The Akademy programme (saturday, sunday) is actually pretty long; the conference days stretch into feels-like-evening to me. Of course, the Dutch are infamous for being "6pm at the dinner table, and eat potatoes" so my notion of evening may not match what works on the Mediterranean coast. Actually, I know it doesn't since way back when at a Ubuntu Developer Summit in Sevilla it took some internal-clock-resetting to adjust to dinner closer to midnight than 18:00.

Akademy LogoForeseen clock-adjustment difficulties aside, I have a plan for Akademy.

  • Attend a bunch of talks. Telemetry / User Feedback sounds like a must-see for me, and lightning talks, and Input Methods is something I know nothing about and should (hey, my work-work application is Latin-1 only and therefore can't even represent the names of all of its developers properly, and that in 2017), and the analysing code and fuzzing talk connects way back to the English Breakfast Network days of KDE Code Quality.
  • Hammer (and saw, and sand, and paint) on the KDE CI for FreeBSD; this will involve a fair amount of futzing with the base system, but also gently pushing changes to a whole bunch of repositories. KDE Frameworks 5 are mostly blue / yellow. It's time to start adding higher layers of the software stack to the whole.
  • BoF it up around CMake, FreeBSD, CI, and LDAP.
  • Have fun at the day trip.