Today I traveled from Zurich to Randa, which is about three hours by train. The day's views started with a city, and trams and buses and high buildings. And then they got better:

The trip from Visp up to Randa is impressive every year. The moment you can see the ice of the glacier above Randa is wonderful. And now I'm sitting across from Thomas and Bhushan who are debugging something complicated. There was a wonderful dinner cooked by Mario's parents, and a re-union feel with attendees from last year. I'm happy to see KDEnlive Joseph and Grace again, and the PIM dudes (although they seem to have slunk off to one of the meeting rooms for Serious Talks already).

Tomorrow starts at 7:02, when I have kitchen duty to roll out breakfast for 20-or-so Free Software hackers who are hungry from the fresh mountain air, and then after that it's time to self-organize and sit down to work.