I got some badges
While reconstructing my blog archievs – something I do every now and then, dig up another month from the Internet Archive and add it to my modern site – I found that my Serendipity blog setup had nice category badges. So here are some blasts from the (2008) past.

The KDE 3 .. or maybe KDE 4 .. era gear. I used this when writing about KDE4 on Solaris, which was something I worked on for a couple of years. First Solaris, then OpenSolaris, and then nothing every came of that, although you could try something like Tribblix as one of the remaining interesting-things-with-OSOL. (Note to self: take an OpenSolaris T-shirt to the Ubuntu Summit).

The SQO-OSS project (pronounced “squash”, though it stood for the Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software) was the birthplace of lots of things around license checking and quality measurement. All the licensing tools we built back then, and the Green Blobs visualisation, those have had a lasting (if small) impact on the KDE community and I might dare say in the larger software community, too. Those were the days when we would spend an afternoon coming up with some semi-crude backronym for a project. (I couldn’t sell work-work on PLOPP last week, though).

CodeYard was a thing to promote computer science in Dutch High Schools through Open Source software development. We were a kind of mini-forge, offering git hosting, website hosting, for students. A couple of dozen cool projects came out of that, and a bunch of the kids that participated went on to amazing careers outside of software, of course. I made the logo myself, with Kolourpaint.