It's been a quiet month for me for blogging, but one filled with unexpected and weird and not-really-bloggable things. There was a trip to Berlin, where I had the pleasure of meeing up with a bunch of KDE people whom I hadn't seen for over a month. Long time. There was also an accident with maple syrup, I'm sure.

Anyway, there have been four (!) Calamares releases since I last wrote about it on august 23rd (two months ago). These mix various bugfixes with various regression-fixes. This illustrates that I need a better set of acceptance tests before releasing -- which take a surprisingly long time to set up, since the regressions are things like "Installing Chakra with network packages fails", not simple stuff that is OS-, hardware- and installation-independent.

The latest release fixes that Chakra (or, rather, Calamares netinstall) problem. I'm happy to report that there's a few new Linuxen evaluating Calamares as a system installer.

Plans for the near future include a 3.2 with some new features and much nicer support from new KPMCore releases, and ongoing care for the 3.1.x series. When and how, is in the hands of the vagaries of inspiration and long sessions with pen and paper figuring out just how things should work.