More KDE4 parts have been moved around on FreeBSD. Basically what we're seeing is that all the existing KDE4 ports -- that is, pretty much all KDE software except the KDE Frameworks 5, which are the kf5-* ports already available -- are getting a -kde4 suffix. I resurrected the old filelight from KDE4 times, which we had updated to the modern KDE Applications version some time ago. That is so that KDE4 users can get the authentic (in the case of filelight-kde4, I think that also means "buggy") experience. Users of x11/kde4 are encouraged to update and upgrade regularly these days, to catch all of the moves of packages. There are no actual updates in here, no new packages, since there aren't any more upstream releases.

Now that we're looking closely at the tree we find that there are some stragglers -- I moved skanlite, too, for instance, which we missed in earlier shoving-rounds. Expect skanlite (un-suffixed) to be resurrected in the coming weeks, then, as the KDE Frameworks 5 based version. You can, of course, run that in a KDE4 session -- or in any other desktop you like. After all, KDE software runs all over the place, it is not (generally) tied to the Plasma desktop.

So look for KDE4 to be pushed entirely to one side soon-ish, and then for something new to flow in and take its place.