My Akademy schedule
I for one applaud the decision to put Akademy-badges on the KDE community wiki.

I was afraid I was going to have to apply my awesome Kolourpaint skills again. Albert's reminder has caused me to figure out my reasons for attending Akademy this year. So my agenda is four-or-fivefold:
- attend the AGM of KDE e.V.
- talk to Paul Adams about measuring community health. Technical aspects of measurement aside, I have some serious methodological misgivings about what he's measuring and how he's presenting it. This will require several beer mats of exposition.
- see if there's any other FreeBSD users about. Or, for that matter, OpenSolaris people or anything else non-Linux.
- talk to Lydia and Valorie and other folks with knowledge of techbase and community to see if I can contribute there. There's a lot of stuff that is undergoing a complete rewrite -- but has been undergoing that for a long time.
- hear from the FrogLogic folks how their test-tools have evolved. It was a long time ago that we had some ideas of doing KDE HIG checks on the EBN.
There is of course also an implied 6(a) meet new people in the KDE community and 6(b) drink beer with them.