KDE e.V. board meeting January 2021 (2)

Madness! 8-hour BBB calls all weekend for the KDE e.V. board. On the social front, I won at Skribbli, and workshopped the FLA, wrote a bunch of mail to keep people informed about what is going on, read even more email, listened to bits and pieces, but – as can be seen in the photo, vaguely – I still haven’t gotten around to shaving off my scary sideburns.
The “workshop” part of these meetings is kind of important because it means spending time and effort on topics that I would usually leave dangling at the bottom of my priority list. Most of the time I prefer to write code, over writing bureaucratic documents. But I have reached inbox zero for my KDE stuff, which is a big achievement.
There were musical highlights, in fuzzy and blue and the Dutch version pluizig en blauw.
Results will trickle out over the next few weeks, for instance when the board pushes some updates to the e.V. website with new forms and documents.